In this revised edition of A Concise Guide to Macroeconomics, David A. Moss brings his extensive experience teaching at Harvard Business School to simplify and explain the core concepts of macroeconomics in a clear and engaging way.
This guide covers the essentials of macroeconomics, exploring key ideas such as output, money, and expectations. Early chapters provide foundational knowledge on topics like fiscal policy, central banking, business cycles, and international trade. Later chapters delve into the U.S. monetary history and macroeconomic accounting basics. You’ll learn why countries trade, how exchange rates fluctuate, and what drives economic growth.
Through detailed examples, Moss offers a comprehensive view of how the economy operates and how key economic variables impact businesses. He equips you with the tools to anticipate and respond to significant macroeconomic events, such as currency depreciation or interest rate hikes.
Whether you read the book from beginning to end for a complete overview of macroeconomics, or use it as a reference to tackle specific challenges, such as understanding monetary policy or analyzing balance of payments statements, you’ll walk away with a solid understanding of the subject and be empowered to make smarter business decisions.
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